I’m getting a Programming Bulletproof Error 20007 error when trying to save my work.
I get this error when I input less than 10 lines then change default warehouse bin loc. Is this something to do with macros?
I’m not quite familiar with this error, see screenshot below:
Programming Bulletproof Error 2007
Current grid row 9 does not match its current memory array row 10/ this is probably caused by program or macro code changing the memory array current row, and not resetting it, or else not setting the current grid row to match it.
Programming Bulletproof – Error 2007
Good day! There are few reasons when getting this error message. One possible reason is that the screen is not customized. You may please try changing the screen setting to Standard. Another reason could be you have a blank row. Try deleting this row and try again. Hope that sure helps! Best of luck!
Programming Bulletproof – Error 2007
You are getting Programming Bulletproof Error 20007. It usually happens when you will input less than 10 lines and will try to save your programming code. There are many possible factors which might be responsible for this kind of problem. One very possible reason might be due screen customization. Try to resolve it. Then you are highly suggested to delete the blank rows. If still you are facing problem then please reinstall your compiler.