I am using Avast antivirus.Recently I have scanned my pc & it found some viruses & the anti-virus program recommend me for a boot time virus scan.I have done that & so many viruses have been found & deleted automatically.
Now a large number of programs are not running,most of the program says file missing. What to do now?
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5 points
Programs on my PC not running properly
Hi dear
When you start scanning of your system due to viruses then It scan your complete system and when it start scanning of soft wares then there are .exe file in these files virus embed and when you start scanning of your system then antivirus remove that files or some related files and when you try to reinstall that software because some files are removed and now this software is not complete so it will show this message that files are not complete or some file are missing.
Now you download these software’s from internet because now it is not possible that you can recover it.
Programs on my PC not running properly
There are many kinds of virus and with each and every day they are becoming more powerful but also antivirus programs are working and they are solving the problems. So what you can do is to update your Antivirus program and make sure that it does not infect your system registry programs. Some virus programs now attach them self with system registry and they become the part of system registry so when you scan for such virus then these programs are also infected by this process. So if there is some problem in your programs registry values then you can repair them by just clicking on registry setup. You need to go to the folder of programs that are not running and then click on registry setup. Once you have configured the registry i hope that programs will run normally. The system registry setup will look like this.