Proper DAT format player for my Android.

Hi, I’m using an Android mobile. I need to play some DAT files on my mobile. So, I need to download a proper DAT format player for my Android. What player is correct to play those files?

Hi, I’m using an Android mobile. I need to play some DAT files on my mobile. So, I need to download a proper DAT format player for my Android. What player is correct to play those files?
Hello there,
There are many .DAT players available for Android. Here is a list and links available for downloading them:
1.) All Round Video Player – Its a freeware, you can download it from: It plays almost all type of files including mp4, wmv, avi, mkv, dv, rm, mp, mpeg, flv, divx, swf, dat, h264, h263, h261, 3gp, 3gpp, asf, mov, m4v, ogv, vob, vstream, ts etc.Â
2.) BUZZ PLAYER – Its a paid software, you can download it from : It is a tried and tested player which plays almost all and every file.
3.) Free media player 2013 – It's available for free! You can download it from: It's a new player and promises lots of functions, you can find more about it on the link I provided.
Alternatively, you can also try changing the file type to avi , mp4 or other popular formats by renaming the file. Almost each and every player will pick up these formats and play your file, but it is only a matter of chance.
Hope this will help you out!