Pros and Cons of Technology

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

What are the pros and cons of technology? I know that it's made life a lot easier than the past but what about the future? I look around and everyone is trying to save the planet and "go green". How is technology contributing to that and should we be afraid of what technology or how technology would be use in the future? We can already see how dangerous it can be now.

Best Answer by Avimelech
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #89374

Pros and Cons of Technology

Pros and Cons in fact denote that we are for or in opposition to something exceptional. In other way it depends on what part of the obstacle we are at the challenging moment. You activist a bit if you are pro abortion. Similarly if you are pro nuclear energy then you are all for this and you will approve which form of energy belong a chance for selection. Here I listed some basic issues on pros and cons below:

1. Nuclear energy or nuclear power plant production.

2. Health care reform mat put the government in control of your health care.

3. Solar energy

4. Capital punishment to enact the death penalty.

5. Globalization.

6. Stem cell research and

7. Death penalty that can eradicate the evil from society.

Answered By 10 points N/A #89377

Pros and Cons of Technology



Today in our life cycle we had to use the technology for much kind of works if we like or not.

 In my knowledge the best thigh that comes with technology is advanced communication system. That is the reason for the improvement of the all other areas.

It takes all the people into one community. Through the technology people are trying to make all their difficult works easy. It saves lot of human hours. So people can do more work within short time period.   

And also the bad side of technology.

People use the facilities and power of the technology to do bad things to the human kind. Such as infiltration and viruses.



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