Protect your RAM using an Electrostatic Discharge band

I would like to offer some counsel to young innovative guys who are involved in busy activities trying to create computers. I am also quite impressed with the type of professional advices and expertise counsel on making computers that they offer each other. Well despite all this, none has tried to raise the issue of security and safety when these guys are going about their business of making computers. This involves personal safety and safety of the hardware especially the Random Access Memory. The RAM is quite delicate and being left down even for the shortest time possible may destroy it. Unfortunately, once destroyed, it cannot be replaced for any brand new one from the shops where they were initially purchased. This in essence explains why a stick of brand new Random Access Memory does not function. This is as a result of carelessness on the part of those building computers, who most of the times aren’t careful when at work. This is really disturbing me and it explains why I decided to air it out to you. People can protect themselves and their RAM using an Electrostatic Discharge band. This can easily be purchased for only USD 13. 99 from the site Kindly let all those involved in building computers know about this. Also available are Electrostatic Discharge band shoes and mats. The price may seem very cheap but buying it is a really important decision. Thanks for your time.