Advanced PDF Password Recovery: Protection method is not supported

Asked By 1230 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys, I am at our office, my boss ask me to open a PDF file that is locked, I search on the internet for software that is capable of doing so, I installed Advanced PDF Password Recovery to open the locked file, an error message was displayed when I am about to open the file, it said 128-bit security v.4 encryption handler, this protection method is not supported.


This document was created with ‘Adobe LiveCyycle Policy

(Adobe.APS[adbe.pdrl.v0]) 128-bit security v.4’ encryption handler.

This protection method is not supported.


When I analyzed the error, I am wondering of the capabilities of this application, or does the file I open has an error, I am having a hard time isolating the problem, please comment on my issue, thanks.

Best Answer by marcus heffner
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Answered By 0 points N/A #125160

Advanced PDF Password Recovery: Protection method is not supported

  • Your point is to unlock a PDF file from your boss right? Discard this error but instead I will show you how do this, and here’s how. Use a PDF Password Un locker here is the link
  • This unlocker has three recovery methods: Dictionary attacks to break a password using built in dictionary, Brute-Force tries possible numbers or letter combinations and Brute-Force with Mask is the finest when you know the length of the password or just a few symbols. Another option is to download the password remover here’s the link
  • this remover will remove restrictions that prevents editing. The third option is to install PDF password remover for windows Check here
  • this tool will remove the password owner by right clicking the PDF the selecting Decrypt with Any Bizsoft PDF Password Remover.
Answered By 10 points N/A #125161

Advanced PDF Password Recovery: Protection method is not supported


You can check following things before you open a file.

  • First thing is to check that you have installed a up to date version of Adobe acrobat reader.
  • Then you need to install the updates if there some software updates are available.
  • If you are downloading the file form the network then you need to make sure that you have fully copied the file.
  • Then check that the file doesn't contain some errors such as some virus or some other problem.
  • Try the file on another computer and make sure that it works on that computer.
  • If the file requires some password then call your boss and try to find the password.
  • You can also create a recovery file for this kind of file you need to open.

I think that if you have checked all of these points then you will be able to see your file as opened.

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