Providing a content management solution for website

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I am developing a website for small ( non-profit ) to a charity. The president of the charity would like to add content to the site on completion, especially the text. However, they would not enter directly into the XHTML. What are the possible options regarding this issue Thanks in advance .

Answered By 0 points N/A #188694

Providing a content management solution for website


Creating a website for non-profit purpose have good chance of developing faster than ay other websites but only if it maintained well in any field or any niche. 

When considering adding text to the site make it visible on the landing page above board that is the text should be visible when it is opened above the fold. 

The issue here is not clearly explained what actually the issue is adding text? Well if it is the case then you may add it as a page or on the first page. 

Mention which platform you are using for this website, developer type etc for clear instructions.

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