Hi. I need help as I’m getting a “Proxy Error (Logon failure: unknown username or bad password)” when trying to access my Hotmail account. I am using Outlook Express 5 through ISA. Please help me on this error. Thank you.
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Proxy Error on Outlook Express 5 and Hotmail
Don't use "New Account Signup".
Rather go to Tools => Accounts => add/mail.
Choose "I already have an Email account, put in your name.(next) Enter your Email address for Hot Mail.
(next) This page should show Http and hotmail, so just hit (next) hit (Finish).
It will start to download the folders from Hotmail.
That's about it. That "New Account Signup" business is confusing, as you can do either from Tools/Accounts, and probably should never have been put on the Tools drop down menu.
Proxy Error on Outlook Express 5 and Hotmail
Hi Adrienne,
You can try below solutions in order to resolve this issue.
1. Go to Control Panel.
2. Select Windows Firewall
3. Go to 2nd Tab “Exceptions” and make every check box is ticked which is regarding outlook express and click ok.
4. Restart your computer and see if you are still getting an error.
1. Open your outlook express and go to Account settings.
2. If you current hotmail address is already added then edit and re-enter your email and password.
3. If the issue still persists than remove your email account and add your email to Outlook Express.
Hope this helps!
Keaton Christopher