PS/2 Port cannot detect mouse and keyboard

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

My mouse and keyboard have suddenly stopped responding.

I connected my mouse and keyboard to other computer and it is still functioning.

I also connected other PS/2 type mouse and keyboard to my motherboard which I have a problem and it resulted to non-functional mouse and keyboard.

How can I repair my PS/2 port?

Best Answer by JohnnyValhalla
Answered By 0 points N/A #116457

PS/2 Port cannot detect mouse and keyboard

  1. First, you check whether you have fixed the mouse and Keyboard connections crossed mistakenly.
  2. Then, you have to check whether you have to update your drivers. You can do this by: Go to device manager > select the Keyboard / mouse entry > right click > Select update drivers.
  3. You can further verify this problem if you are using the printer via printer port. If the printer too is not functioning, the problem is in the controllers.(Serial, parallel and PS2 ports share same controllers)
  4. If the keyboard or mouse controllers got short in system unit, they do not functioning. Then the only option is to use USB-PS2 converter



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #116458

PS/2 Port cannot detect mouse and keyboard


This is a typical problem for those computer users who frequently removes their keyboard or mouse from their computer. It's not bad to remove it especially if you really need to transfer it to another computer. As long as you connect it to the port with caution & care applying the right amount of force to insert the plug.

But on the other hand, if you haven't touched your keyboard and mouse and it happened, the problem originates from the hardware itself. You already said that the keyboard & mouse worked when you transferred it to your other computer. And also both the keyboard and mouse from that other computer, when you transferred and connected it to your malfunctioning computer, still the problem hasn't change.

PS/2 ports can not be repaired either manually or using other means. The problem there is not in the socket where you connect the plug of your keyboard or mouse. The problem is in the chip that handles the I/O request of either the mouse or keyboard. It is called the BIOS. It is the chip that handles and controls the function done by the keyboard & mouse. That chip is located in your computer's circuit board.

Generic keyboards and mouse doesn't need a driver update. Their driver that is available in Windows is enough. Only those special keyboards and mouse that has an installer with it needs their driver updated if ever problems occur.

You might also want to try this to make sure you don't have conflicting devices:

  1. Right-click on My Computer, then choose Properties
  2. Click on the Hardware tab
  3. Click on the Device Manager
  4. Click on the + sign beside the Keyboards
  5. Double-click on the device under it, that is your keyboard
  6. Click on the Resources tab, you will see below it "Conflicting device list:" If "No conflicts." is displayed under it, then there is no problem with the installed devices. But if you see some devices listed, then there is a conflict between those devices installed. Check each of the item listed.

Do this also on your mouse. Click on the + sign beside the Mice and other pointing devices then just follow the steps above.

Since the problem is only with your keyboard and mouse, don't attempt to repair the socket on the board especially if you're not a technician. You might end up worsening the problem leading to totally unusable motherboard. You might want to buy a new board if it's still possible and available.

Or if not, the best solution is to buy a PS/2 to USB converter so you can still use your keyboard and mouse by just connecting it to your USB ports. Or still, there is also a USB-ready keyboard and mouse available in the market which connects directly to the USB ports without using any converter plugs.

I hope this will help you.

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