Asked By
50 points
Posted on - 12/09/2013
Hi there,
I was playing on my HP Omini 220 desktop when I smelled burnt plastic, on investigation, I saw fumes of smoke coming from my Power Supply Unit, I quickly unplugged my computer from the wall socket without switching it off, I opened the casing and saw a smoked fuse, I replaced the PSU with CORSAIR750 watts, the same model as the previous one, the motherboard LEDS are going on well but the computer won't boot, what could be the problem and how can I fix this?
PSU replacement not working properly
Hi !
First you have to make sure that the cables of PSU are well connected. Then check the cables of your display in VGA. Also you will have to check if other hardwares are not burned. When you unplugged the PC without switching it off you may have created some problem in the BIOS or with the OS softwares.
You will have to reset your BIOS by removing the battery from the PC motherboard for approximately 1 minute then put it back. Then make the BIOS settings as you wish. Reboot your PC and it will boot normally. If you will have some problems with booting, ex: won't load your OS, problems with BSOD it is recommended to reinstall a clean OS.
In the picture below you will see where is located the BIOS battery: