Publish web page in the internet

How can I publish my own web page in the internet?
I want it to be visible to everyone.
If you have some ideas please share it with me.

How can I publish my own web page in the internet?
I want it to be visible to everyone.
If you have some ideas please share it with me.
Hi Nina,
You can publish your website by use a hosting and domain.
You need to buy a good name as a domain, because that’s one of the important fact for getting popularity of a site.
So I suggest you to use a memorable name for your website. It will give a lot of traffic for your site.
After buy a new domain you need to buy a hosting too for host your website.
Hosting is a space where you can keep your all data.
You should upload your all files in your hosting file for make visibility to all.
Hello Nina,
These are the key points in publishing your website in internet.
Part 1: Finding a Hosting Plan
Part 2: Setting Up Your Website
Part 3: Uploading/publishing your content (files)
Hope this will be helpful.