Recently, I uploaded and published my free web app with paying the $5 registration fee.
The status is showing ‘Published’ in my Developer Dashboard but when I click on it I get this following error message.
I being the author did not remove it. What could be the cause of this error?
I really need your help as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
Chrome web store
An error occurred:
Item not found. This item may have been removed by its author.
Published Web App error has occurred
I have read through your question.
Go to the Google chrome web store. Confirm that you have signed in.
To sign into the web store you will need to click on the sign in link on the top right side of the page. Enter your email and password and click on the sign in button
You could also allow for some time to elapse after you click the "publish" button. A time lag may be experienced after the publishing command is initiated and when the actual publishing takes place. You will notice that first you will only be able to see your app through the direct link before you can view it on search results from the store.