Quarter Bridge Strain Task shows error 200077

When I try to configure Quarter Bridge Strain Task I get the error 200077. Why I got such error?
Primary Software: Driver Software>>NI-DAQ
Primary Software Version: 4.6.1
Primary Software Fixed Version: N/A
Secondary Software: N/A
Hardware: Multifunction DAQ (MIO)>>SC Series>>PXIe-4330
Here is my problem;
I tried to adjust the nominal gage resistance in my PXIe-4330 in quarter bridge configuration. I get mentioned error at DAQmx Start Task.vi when trying to configure a strain task by Cont Acq Strain Samples.vi.
I have given an snapshot below.
What is the reason for this?
Give me a solution please.
Thank you.

Error -200077 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:2
Possible reason(s):
Requested value is not a supported value for this property. The property value may be invalid because it conflicts with another property
Property: AI.Bridge.NomResistance
Requested Value: 250.0
You Can Select : 120.0, 350.0, 1.0e3
Channel Name: SCExpress/ai0