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Posted on - 12/06/2011
I have a pair of Universal Serial Bus (USB) micro Bluetooth adapters that can be used to accompany phones and so on. I wanted to know if the adapter can be configured to act as a Bluetooth hub/access point in a visible place outside BT devices such as mobile. Are there any alternative options that phone(s) can be seen the adapter before you can begin a process of association with the adapter itself?
Query on using Bluetooth Devices
If the USB adapters are Bluetooth enabled, then you should be able to access them before you begin the process of association with the adapter itself. But what I suspect is that the activities that you will be able to use the adapter for will be so limited, and that will be exchange of files from the device to say a computer and vice versa. Some other activities like connection to the internet that you will have used them when you used the adapter with a mobile phone or a computer will not be possible to be used when you use the adapter. Therefore you will have to put into consideration what you are using the adapter for.
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