A Question About Website Traffic

Does Alexa and any other similar count hits from bots or software that gives automatic traffic to a certain website?

Does Alexa and any other similar count hits from bots or software that gives automatic traffic to a certain website?
Alexa is a web site visitor counter & also publish the ranking of website in several times. There are also some other websites like Alexa. Generally the count the number of the visitor of a website and on the basis of visitor’s number they publish ranking.
Now a day there is some software’s are found which can be used to visit any website together with many users. These are called bot. The question is that, will the bot ids are counted by Alexa? The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.
Because Alexa count a real visitor who will stay in the website, click some link and so what a normal people does. But the bots are not able to behave like normal visitor. So Alexa does not count the bot ids. But if they can behave like the normal visitor, then bots will count as visitor by Alexa.
I think you got your answer from my post. I read some blog about it and answering here about it.
Thank you.
I think you have a misconception about Alexa. Alexa is a website ranking site that tells or shows the website’s present ranking as well as other information but it doesn’t give, send, or transmit any traffic directly to that website to be counted as another hit. It doesn’t work that way. It only displays statistics about a particular website but doesn’t send any traffic to that site. But unfortunately, this ranking site doesn’t display daily traffic statistics if the site’s rank is above 100,000.
Some of the information you can see about the site are its global ranking, traffic statistics, the site’s average load time, regional traffic of the site, the pages viewed on the site, demographic statistics of the site or the locations where the visitors most likely are coming from, and more. I’m not sure if ranking sites such as this one also counts bots visiting sites since bots don’t actually do clicks on the links of the sites. Ranking sites only counts clicks made by visitors and bots don’t do actual clicks instead they crawl and explore links and pages.