Asked By
50 points
Posted on - 07/28/2011
Hey guys,
I'd like to report that Google SketchUp & Autodesk Sketchbook run pretty awesome on my A9. I'm an Architecture major so quick rendering is pretty important on the spot, and it works great! I would not dare install anything more serious like Revit or Photoshop, I will install Gimp though.
Only problem is the screen picks up my hand when I rest it on the screen. I ordered a SmudgeGlove made from nylon and latex but I'm not sure it'll help.
Does anyone know any material that the screen wont pick up when I rest my hand on it?
Answered By
0 points
Question Regarding Touchscreen & Drawing
For a careful person it's a good decision and it certainly will help you to avoid this problem. But there is something , if you have been working for a long time , you may be bored with this . You can also apply fingerprint-resistant film of different brands to your screen which offer that protect against scratches as well as water damage in addition to fingerprint smudges. To install this film you need to lay the film down on one end of your screen .Gently roll it out across the screen and press to remove the air bubbles as they appear. Some steps can be taken :
1. Washing hands before using
2. Use fast drying hand sanitizer before touching the screen.
3. Use a dry microfiber cloth .