Question SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

Asked By 1170 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

When I open a Microsoft Office program on a machine that has the SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office and the SAS Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office installed side-by-side, the following error message appears:

Unable to load the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. This may be due to the incorrect version of the .Net Framework being loaded. This can occur when there is a config file that instructs the Microsoft Office application to use a specific version of  the framework"

I understand that SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 2.1 can utilize either Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or 2.0. Both versions of Microsoft .NET Framework can coexist on the same machine. Additionally, .NET Framework 3.0 should work with SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office without issue.

I would like to know, why the above errors occur as there could be other varying unexplainable symptoms, in which I don't have any idea as to what process to take to eliminate  the error.

Please give me some solutions. I am open to any suggestion.


Answered By 0 points N/A #124644

Question SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office



Please note that there are also other causes for this kind of error. Reasons vary and depends on unexplainable symptoms. The solution that is stated in here involves the common symptom like you stated on your problem.

One of the sources of this error might include:

1. Incompatible version of .Net Framework for your SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office.

2. Insufficient version of .Net Framework. To resolve it, remove or update any existing configuration files. Or use a compatible version of .Net Framework. Download the configuration files namely excel_SN40066.exe.config and winword_SN40066.exe.config.

Using this configuration, files should be used with consideration for the installation of your future SAS Add-In for your system. Remove the configuration files if the version is causing an error.

Thank you for posting. Post again if you still encounter the error.


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