Quicktime error when starting ArchiCAD

Hello experts.
I always get a QuickTime error message when I try starting ArchiCAD.Â
Check below.

ArchiCAD Environment
Thanks a lot.

Hello experts.
I always get a QuickTime error message when I try starting ArchiCAD.Â
Check below.
ArchiCAD Environment
Thanks a lot.
As per viewing your problem i think that your QuickTime is not installed successfully or some components are missed in your application, that's why you are getting this error.
When installed the latest Quick time player , it internally equipped with ArchiCAD and works well when you needed..
Please re-install your application after some time with a internet connectivity. then you'll be able to run ArchiCAD
if this will not help, please check out Support folder in quick time installation directory
Even if you uninstall and then reinstall both ArchiCAD and QuickTime the whole day, you will really never get it to work if your version of QuickTime is earlier than version 7.5.5.
Maybe your version of ArchiCAD does not support the earlier versions of QuickTime components and require versions from 7.5.5 and up if not the latest version.
You did not include in your post what version of QuickTime you are running so we can rule out that the main reason why ArchiCAD never works is because your version of QuickTime is really outdated.
I also use QuickTime on my machine and I have the latest version installed here. QuickTime 7.7.1 is the latest version and you can download it at https://support.apple.com/kb/DL837?locale=en_US.