Ran out of memory while Creating 2D Texture

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

Absolutely no idea, what went wrong when I am playing a game. The Modern warfare is quite interesting, while playing I got this error popping again and again. After this message it is not allowing me to play the game further. So I followed the general method to solve this by restarting the system. But no use of it problem persists, any suggestions will be great.

Create2DTexture(diorama_dc, 4096, 1024, 0, 827611204 ) failed: 8007000e = Ran out of memory

Answered By 10 points N/A #178231

Ran out of memory while Creating 2D Texture


First uninstall your game and reboot your machine and then again install the game.  Next, download the driver sweeper and Ccleaner from internet. When you will try to run this it will remove your graphic driver and sound driver. Again, download the new drivers from the internet. After downloading, first run the Ccleaner and then install the drivers in your machine. Hope, it will work successfully now.


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