Random Errors on Oracle: Installation Stucks at 95%

I have a system with oracle installation and it runs very well in 95% of the time.
I don’t know why but because of some reason daily at a random time in the morning (4:00am – 9:00am) I find the following error message:
[ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
[ OCRRAW][3248]proprinit: Could not open raw device
[ default][3248]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [33]
[ CSSCLNT][3248]clsssinit: error(33 ) in OCR initialization
[ OCROSD][3248]utgdv:1:could not open registry key SOFTWAREOracleocr os error The system could not find the environment option that was entered.Â
It is strange that a registry error message would occur at random times. It’s not similar to my registry transforms periodically all through the day. It must have something to act with the raw tool.
I have no ideas. What should I do? Please help me.
Thanks in advance.