Random errors while running Windows

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

It is very normal for computers to face different kinds of problems for instance the ones shown in the message below. User init.exe, application error, the application failed to initialize properly, Check Ok to end this application, tasking .exe, application error, same message as user init.exe,.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close etc.

Init.exe – Application error

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click OK

to terminate the application.


When the init.exe error occurs, most or part of the software or hardware in your machine will not work properly and they keep showing error messages. This will prompt your machine to just hang at anytime without concrete reasons. What you need to do is take a step and try to sort this out.

Answered By 10 points N/A #121450

Random errors while running Windows


Most .exe errors occur when the application has been corrupt, or there is a probable problem with the registry entries, and the remedies for them involve the following:

  • You may fix program .exe errors by running a program that will trace any problem with the registry entries and fix them. An example of such programs include CCleaner, which you can download for free from the internet. You can download it or any other related programs and use it to fix such kind of problems.
  • The other remedy for such a problem will be to uninstall the application completely, and then install it again. But I will advise that you run the registry cleaning programs anyway so as to remove any broken entries that may continue to cause problems after you reinstall the application.


Thompson Locker

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