Random lisp codes file format problem

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Say I wish to save random lisp codes in a file. Binary codes or something like that. Which format and chunking do you suggest I use for this? Will it seem like it is a storage variant of a running lisp environment fragment? Let me set the question in other words: Which other alternatives do I have to save random codes and info so that it can be perfectly installed and accessed easily?

Answered By 20 points N/A #106390

Random lisp codes file format problem


Hallo Vice Randleman,

I will suggest that before you go ahead and trying changing the format in which you have saved your lisp codes, first of all you should make a backup copy and save it in notepad which is a .txt format so that when you mess up during the process you can easily retrieve what you had done and save yourself some trouble of coding from  the very beginning.

The format that you may save your lisp codes in the *.dxf format and you will use the following command to save the codes:

(command "_SAVEAS" "DXF" "_V" "R12" "" "filename")

Hope this helps.


Mahesh Babu


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