Raspberry Pi gaining popularity and sold out

Hey. What is really Raspberry PI? Is it a desktop or a laptop or a handheld device or something. Please answer me. Thanks.

Hey. What is really Raspberry PI? Is it a desktop or a laptop or a handheld device or something. Please answer me. Thanks.
Raspberry is actually a computer, that you can plug in to your TV or desktop. It looks like this:
It is not a handheld or a tablet but it can carry out a function of a normal computer. It can do spreadsheets, word documents, play a movie, or run a game. It first started out as a key to teaching computer science subject in schools. For now it doesn't have a case, but the company said that they're gonna have one at summer. The OS used is Fedora Linux and will be using SD card to store memory. Â It is powered by a 5v MicroUSB or 4 AA battery cells. So basically, it caters more to the academe than to the media side.Â
The Raspberry Pi is actually a single-board computer just about the size of the usual credit card. It was designed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation of the United Kingdom. Their objective in designing such device is to support education of basic computer science in schools. It was in December 17, 2012 when the Raspberry Pi Foundation opened the Pi Store in association with IndieCity and Velocix.
Premier Farnell, an electronics distributor based in Leeds, UK, has reported that sales trend for Raspberry Pi is improving over the past 3 months. This is regardless of the impact of the United States Federal Government shut-down. When the United States government entered shut-down during the first 2 weeks of October and nearly all routine operations were stopped, this made a setback in the confidence of the consumers and actually freezing their spending.
According to Premier Farnell, all regions all over the world reported growth on the sales from August 5 until November 11. But of course, with the exception of the Americas which had a fall of about 0.3 percent.