Asked By
simon john
40 points
Posted on - 02/16/2013
I have been assigned to preparing a market survey application for define rating for new cell phones 2011 year I want to develop through JSP Codes and generate real time review is it possible with JSP code or I have to add some scripts for this please suggest
Rating for new cell phones 2011
Hi Simon,
I have read your question. The JavaServer Pages (JSP) help the programmer to develop the webpages based on HTML and XML. Yes, you can create the market survey application in JSP. In order to run JSP web application, you need to have the webserver, which should be compatible with servlets, like Apachi Tomcat .
For your reference, I am providing you a basic tutorial of the JSP in the following link.
Tutorial JSP
I hope, I have answered your question. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact.