Read About Ultimate Attribution Error In Detail.

Hi everyone,
I wish to ask about ultimate attribution error in brief. If anybody is having any clue regarding this, then please explain it in reply.
Thank you in advance.

Hi everyone,
I wish to ask about ultimate attribution error in brief. If anybody is having any clue regarding this, then please explain it in reply.
Thank you in advance.
The attribution error is an error that provides an explanation for how one user sees different reasons for negative and positive behavior in both the in group as well as out group members.
Attribution error is the method to attribute negative outgroup and positive ingroup nature internally and to attribute positive outgroup and negative ingroup natureexternally. Hence, in other words, the ultimate error arises to define an outgroup’s behavior as faults in their personality, and to describe an outgroup’s positive behavior because of circumstances.
The Ultimate Attribution error is the tendency to ascribe personality-based explanations to the negative behaviors of out-group members and situational-based explanations to their positive behaviors and vice versa. Confirmation bias, on the other hand, is the tendency to privilege content which supports existing views over content which defies them. The ultimate attribution error is one example of how confirmation bias works in a social situation.
Your neighbors, the people whom you extend compassion are good people. When you see them do good things, this verifies your certainty in their goodness and you see it as an expression of their personality. Your enemies, on the other hand, the people whom you don’t extend compassion are bad people. When you see them do good things, you attribute this to the situation rather than their personality.
Since they are your enemies, their good behavior confronts your idea of them so you ignore it by ascribing it to their situation rather than to them.