Real vnc blackberry curve view and price

What is the latest price of real vnc blackberry curve in India? Please give me some snapshots of blackberry curve to see the sample.

What is the latest price of real vnc blackberry curve in India? Please give me some snapshots of blackberry curve to see the sample.
Hi Ammelia,
At the present price of the blackberry curve 8520 is 9275 in India. You can check latest price from the various websites like Flipkart, Snapdeal, home shop 18, etc. These sites offer the best deal on mobile phones.
I am attaching some photograph I hope you will like them.
Hello Ammela Jesse,
There are many different sub-models of the Blackberry Curve. Out of them, Curve 8900 and curve 8520/8530 both are considered to be good for VNC usage. Nowadays, supply of Blackberry curve 8900 has been discontinued in India as it has been 7-8 year old model.
On the other hand, Blackberry curve 8520 is still available in the market within the price range of Rs.9100 to Rs.9800 depending upon the warranty period. Some pictures of both cell phones are attached to your knowledge.