Realtek Audio HD Manager Problem

Some days ago my motherboard was not working at all. Then I set a new one for my computer. Motherboard disc has been installed but realtek audio manager does not working. How can I revive my sound system?

Some days ago my motherboard was not working at all. Then I set a new one for my computer. Motherboard disc has been installed but realtek audio manager does not working. How can I revive my sound system?
Problem with sound devices are always a baggy task and can be solved easily but as it consumes a lot of time for reviving the sound devices on the system. The problem may be due to inconsistency on your system or else the files from your Motherboard missing may also be a cause for loosing of sound. You can get back your sound on system simply by installing the drivers on the system by downloading it from the internet of the Motherboard you required to get installed.
An alteration is that you try to update the files regarding to sound drivers so that the additional features are added to the system devices and is a chance to work properly. After all the process its mandatory to perform reboot of your system to get complete installation of sound devices of your motherboard in the system.
Thank you.