Receiving Spam? Use IP Block List Providers.

Recently, I have been receiving many spam mails and some of them are very intolerant. I would like to know about any free IP block list providersand also how to use them.

Recently, I have been receiving many spam mails and some of them are very intolerant. I would like to know about any free IP block list providersand also how to use them.
The easiest way to block all the spam is configuring an IP block list provider’s anti-spam agent. This agent checks the sender’s information and if it is unauthorised, it does not allow it. There are many free IP block list providers. Here are a few of them;
• SpamHaus –
• SpamCop –
• Surriel –
Once you have selected one of the agents, adding it to Exchange is very easy. Type the following command after opening the Exchange Management shell;
Add-IPBlockListProvider -Name SpamHaus -LookupDomain -AnyMatch $True -Enabled $True –RejectionResponse
You just have to run it now.