Recommendable programming language softwares for programming students and beginners

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

What are some of the programing language softwares that is worth recommendable to students and beginners studying machine language in the tertiary level education in Africa? What is the ideal lifestyle of a good professional programmer? I would like to know which software one can study in order to study and understand the principles of machine language and its writing. I developed so much interest in the study of machine language and programing when a friend of my introduced me to a software developer as a close friend about two years ago.

Answered By 0 points N/A #189675

Recommendable programming language softwares for programming students and beginners


Hello James!

Before you start looking for the best computer programming languages start with the basic. Learn first the Data Structures (i.e. integer, character, float).  Also learn what the functions, loops, declaration, packages are. Off course learn at least ample amount of history. How it started and who are the very first to use programming language and how it evolved. Why this important? So once you’re in the main course of programming you don’t have to ask why we need to declare values for integer. Why do we have global variables and what is inheritance.

The best programming language that you need to learn first is C programming language. It is a “Mid-Level” computer language. Why C? Why start with mid-level? Because C Language merged the best parts of low-level languages and high-level Languages. Then you start working with Java. Why Java? So you know what object-oriented programming language is. After extensive knowledge with the above mention, try to check and grasp the idea of machine language. One best sample is Assembly Language. This is common because “Love Virus” was created using it with 3 sets of command lines that crippled millions of computers and systems.

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