Record not saved error in SQL Server

Hi, I keep getting this error when I try to save an Incident.
This comes up every time I click on “Save”, whether I did update any field or not.

Though I don’t think it’s a BR, I’d appreciate if you can give me an easy way to disable all BR’s so I can be sure it’s not one. I’m thinking that SDE is trying to write a row that contains a sequence that is already in the _SMDBA_._TELDETAI_ table. Then again, I’m not quite sure. Hope you can help.
VBScript:BMC Service Desk Express
(1000) Record Not Saved:This was most likely caused by one of the following:
1.Attempting to create a record with an existing ID.
2.A required field has been placed on the form through form customization.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK TELDETAI'.Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'SMDBA.TELDETAI'.