Record Skype video direct to MP4

To record Skype video you have two solutions. One is to use VodBurner and the other to use Evear video recorder. For VodBurner:
1) Download VodBurner from here VodBurner download page
2) Go to options tab and click configure
3) Select recording tab
4) Select Direct to MP4 and click OK.
For evear video recorder:
1) Download it from Evear video recorders download section
2) Configure it as shown
Queen Norman
Hello Barb,
The advantages of recording your Skype video directly to mp4 format are:
While the disadvantage of this is that you will have a low quality video. You can use Vodburner to record your Skype video directly to MP4 format.
I hope this tip will help you.
Martine Paul