Recover database corrupted files on crystal reports

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I created my reports via crystal reports. I accidentally turned off my PC when the saving process is still on going. I think I had my database corrupted. When I tried to re-open the software, I had this error "Crystal Reports crashing". Is there any way I can recover my files? Any suggestions on how to recover them?

Answered By 0 points N/A #141760

Recover database corrupted files on crystal reports


Hi Marcellatierra

You need to use an appropriate software in order to get a plus while recovering your files,  since you turned off your PC while the saving process was at progress unexpected and later own re-open the software which failed. I recommend you use this link : that will enable you to get a software that meets your need because it's a program that recover files that were caused by unexpected shutdown, Trojan infection, software failure etc.

Don't worry about that installation process and the recovery, since this software has a friendly interface that lets you at ease while using it.

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