Asked By
Drew M.
0 points
Posted on - 10/07/2011
Hi all,
I have an HP desktop with Windows 2008 that I have been using over the past 2 years. Due to business, I had to be away for a couple of weeks last month. When I got back, I used my computer again and it started making weird noises, sounded like a ticking clock. It takes quite some time to access files and I think some files are even missing. And just a few days ago, I tried to use my computer again but it wouldn't start at all. It just goes to the blue initializing part and stays there forever. I have some important files in that computer. I need to get them but how do I do that when it doesn't even turn on properly?
To my knowledge, nobody used the computer while I was away. I've asked a few techie friends and they suggested hard drive problems. I hope to hear your opinions also. Any tips or step by step guide would be really welcome.
Thank you so much!
Answered By
0 points
Recovering Files from Problematic Hard Drive
You may have been checking your computer Recycle Bin for your lost files. Â Maybe your computer was attacked by some hidden problem that you could not realize it. Â
There could be a with the ROM and RAM of your computer.  Your computer ROM and RAM may not be working  correctly and changing hard disks may also not be a solution.  You must check with a computer pro and find out where the problem exists.  Some wires maybe burnt inside your computer due to heavy electricity consumed.  Check the connection wires if they are properly enclosed also checking whether your computer has an on/off switch.
Recovering Files from Problematic Hard Drive
Don’t you open the housing and search where the sound comes from. So we can find out is it a physical damage or internal damage.
In the machine processor fan is the only seeable moving part. If it hit or stuck with a wire or something a noise can occur.
The hard disks sometimes generate noises when it has defects in accessing. But if you cannot access the hard disk it will indicate that hard disk is missing.
The best thing that you can do is first get the data out. To do then you can try a live CD to login to the system .If it isn’t work, take your hard disk and connect it to another machine and try to access and recover data you want.
Thank you….
Recovering Files from Problematic Hard Drive
Hello dear,
I understand your problem, in fact, when we do not use our devices for a long time, they become dirty with dust because they are not in use and are idle all the time, so you have this problem. You have not used your computer for a long time and it was idle during that time. Your hard disk is affected by the dust most. Dust particles create carbon black, which creates the problem. Remove your hard disk, and clean it with CTC or Thinner. Then, dry it and it will remove your problem. You do not need to worry about the data. Thanks.