Red Ring on my Xbox 360.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I was playing Assassins Creed Brotherhood on my Xbox 360 for the last 4 hours & suddenly it turned off.

When I turned it on, a strange red ring appeared, where there used to be a green ring.

What does it really mean?

Is it over heated or something bad happened?

Best Answer by Randolph Brownlow
Answered By 0 points N/A #117865

Red Ring on my Xbox 360.



Xbox 360 video game might encounter numbers of problem and failure, this might lead to unusable device. Problems can be identified by series of lights in the actual console itself. A good example is what they call it Red Ring of Death or RRoD. This is the most well known terminology and common issue of Xbox.

2 Red ring means, it is over heating and needs to cool down. Turn off your video gaming console and wait until it’s no longer hot.

1 Red ring means, error on E74. This means that the scaler chip is burnt out. It is responsible of graphics of your Xbox 360 games. Replacement is the best solution.

3 Red ring means, suffered problem with hardware failure. Replacement also is the solution.

4 Red ring means, cable is unplugged and this is the easiest way to solved and not to worry about.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #117866

Red Ring on my Xbox 360.


Hello Neo

The error that your XBOX 360 is giving is a General Hardware failure. It is also called the red Ring Of Death. This is an error usually generated by the failure of one or more hardware components.

The system can show a ring of death, in several ways. Overheat only lightens up two red lights. And if 4 red lights appear, it means that the console needs to be unplugged, to reset the error.

As a solution, you can unplug all the power cables, plug them back in and restart the console. It may or may not fix this issue.

However, my recommendation for you, is that you take your XBOX and go to a Service with it. This error , usually brings other bad things with it, such as freeze-up, graphical problems and sound errors.

And you may fix it now, but in the future it damages your XBOX even worse.

I hope you found this information helpful.


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