Reducing or Expanding Image without affecting the quality
An image cannot be expanded by keeping the picture quality the same. Whenever you expand an image, its quality will definitely get affected. The reason for it is because in expanding an image you are obtaining something from the image that originally you do not have.
On the other hand, by reducing the image to a lower size its picture quality will not get affected rather remain exactly the same.
You can try different graphics software for reducing, expanding or re-sizing your image. The most well known and commonly used is Adobe Photoshop. Its compatible with both Mac OS as well as Windows.
A few days ago I am interested to reduce the size of the image without losing quality. So I went to my friends' house to learn how to reduce the size of the image without losing its quality. My friend has a lot of knowledge of it. He taught me how I can reduce the size of the image. I give a short description of it.
1. At first I went to open folder in photoshop. Then I opened a image.
2. Then I went to image box. I selected width/height/resolution loss with radius Image. For example, if your original image is 1000×1000, you should get very acceptable results at 250×250, 500×500, 750×750. 398×398, however, is apt to look a bit more blurry.
3. At last I clicked on ok.
4. In short someone can follow the system. Image>Image Size>Image box > width/height/resolution loss with radius Image>ok