The relationship between Microsoft Windows Services and the Microsoft SharePoint
Can anyone please clarify the relationship between Microsoft Windows Services and the Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server?
Can anyone please clarify the relationship between Microsoft Windows Services and the Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server?
The Microsoft SharePoint technologies provide collaboration facility.
Using this feature Customer can make own collaborative websites and can make easily manageable throughout the organization. User can create web pages and documents.
Window SharePoint Service is used as the development platform and manages information sharing applications.
Server is 2003 is scalable and aggregate functions into easy to use portal.
And secure to use.
Some features are listed below.
Alerts mechanism which notify when changes in applications is done and also feature public and personal view features
The window share Point services all features are available in Portal Server 2003.
The Microsoft Windows Services is created to not involve any user interference to work. It is a long running executable that executes certain tasks in the operating system. This process immediately begins when Windows starts loading after you started your computer.
It normally runs in the background when the operating system starts loading,and while Microsoft Windows is running. Some of the processes that Microsoft Windows Services runs can be found in the Windows Task Manager under Processes tab.
Most of the services use the username “SYSTEM”, “NETWORK SERVICE”, or “LOCAL SERVICE” but not all processes that use the “SYSTEM” username are services. The other processes run through the svchost.exe like what is described in the image below. An example of a process that is not one of Microsoft Windows Services is the ccsvchst.exe which also uses the “SYSTEM” username. It is from the antivirus software that I am using.