I want to release the Web Conferencing external URL just like ‘livemeeting.company.com’. I’m confused into it. Is it important to define it as FQDN for Web Conferencing edge or not? Please help me as it matters my business a lot. Any suggestions are accepted.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Releasing the web conferencing external URL like ‘livemeeting.company.com
Hello Jerry Baldwin,
If you need your web conferencing services to be accessed by users globally, I mean not restricting the service to your organization or the intranet, then I think it will be good if you to define it as the FQDN for web conferencing edge so that the services can be relayed over the World Wide Web.
It will be totally up to you to decide depending on the span that you want the services to be offered, either on a local intranet or globally.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung
Releasing the web conferencing external URL like ‘livemeeting.company.com
Dear Jerry,
There shall not be any ambiguity in defining your domain name for the business. Whether you are using it for internal business conference or make it open for the cyber world, what is important is that you market your domain name the way you defined it.
Even Mircosoft have Microsoft.com only and no one know what is the absolute domain name (or FQDN) but we all know there is no difficulty in finding Microsoft web. Usually, all domains name will start with www extension.
Therefore, I suggest you market your domain name on your every stationary, mouth-to-mouth, letter heads, files and on your all stationary to make it known to the world.