Asked By
Goldie Bond
20 points
Posted on - 02/20/2013
Hello Techyv Friends,
I need a PowerPoint Presentation on Remote Desktop Control for me to present in a seminar after doing some customization in the PPT design.
Please suggest me, where to find Remote Desktop Control PPT from internet for free.
If there are any such online providers having presentations for free on similar subjects, please send me the site address.
Thanks & Regards,
Goldie Bond
Remote Desktop Control ppt from internet for free
You can use your Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 to broadcast your presentation over the Internet to your remote audience.
Here is a tutorial on how to choose a broadcasting service, how to prepare for the broadcast (internet connection, supported browsers, file size limits, features) and how to broadcast your presentation.
I hope this sorts you out.
All the best.
Remote Desktop Control ppt from internet for free
Hello there !!
There are various websites that offer you the Powerpoint presentation on various topics and the modules related to any field. Since you have demanded the powerpoint presentation based on the remote Desktop Control. So i ma providing you the website address that contains exactly what you have demanded for. Just hit the mouse on the address mentioned below and your download will start automatically.
1.,d.bmk (this website provides you with different techniical powerpoint presentation)