Remove date stamp from pics in S4

I am using Samsung Galaxy S4. One thing really annoys me that with every picture in Gallery, a blue date stamp shows in the lower left corner of the pic. Why does this happen and how can I remove it?

I am using Samsung Galaxy S4. One thing really annoys me that with every picture in Gallery, a blue date stamp shows in the lower left corner of the pic. Why does this happen and how can I remove it?
Hi Azreil,
The blue date stamp that appears in the lower left corner of your pictures is a feature that comes with the Samsung Galaxy S4 and apparently there is no way you can remove it. However, you can change the blue date stamp into a heart shape among other shapes. The good thing is, when you email yourself or a friend the pictures in your S4 gallery, the blue date stamp will not appear. Another alternative would be to try an update you phone and see if this feature is removed, or get a good software that will be able to remove the date stamps from your pictures. I hope this information helps.