Remove Google Chrome From Registry Of Your Computer
One of the simplest way to remove Google Chrome from the Registry of your Computer is given as below :
Step 1: Go to Control Panel of your computer. Control Panel can be opened by searching for it in search box in Start Menu of Windows 8 and later versions OR clicking on Control Panel option from the Start Menu of Windows 7 and earlier versions.
Step 2: Now click on the Uninstall Programs > Programs and Features from the given options.
Step 3: Locate Google Chrome in the list of programs and select it. Then click the Uninstall option.
Step 4: Now open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R together. The Run dialog box appears. Now type regedit and click OK. This opens the Registry Editor
Step 5: Now from the given option, choose the path HKEY_CURRENT_USERSSoftwareGoogle
Step 6: Right click Google and choose the option Delete
Thus, Google chrome is completely removed from youe computer without any traces left.
If you want to remove the Google Chrome web browser from the registry, you can do it by uninstalling the browser from the computer. When you uninstall a program, the system will also remove the entries it created on the Windows registry aside from deleting its installation folder. But there are times, even when you uninstall a program properly, it will still leave some entries in the registry.
You can uninstall a program in three ways: first, by running its built-in uninstall program; second, by uninstalling it from the Control Panel; and third, by using third-party application. With Google Chrome, the first option is not possible because it doesn’t include its own uninstaller. To uninstall it from the Control Panel, click “Start”, “Control Panel” then “Add or Remove Programs”.
Scroll down and look for Google Chrome then click “Remove” or “Uninstall”. Follow the instructions. And that’s it. But if you want to make sure all entries related to Google Chrome are deleted from the registry, use Revo Uninstaller. Download the free version of Revo Uninstaller and install it. Once installed, start Revo Uninstaller then select your Google Chrome among the applications and click “Uninstall”.
Follow the normal uninstall process. When uninstall is complete, click “Scan” to scan your computer for any leftover files and delete everything it finds. This removes everything the program created on your computer. When it is finished, close Revo Uninstaller and that’s it.