I have a 550 lines written .txt file. I want to take out the last character from every line. Thre is also a space between each line that I want to remove. Can anyone tell me the code or script how to go on about doing so?
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Remove last character from each line in a text file
Removing last character from each line can be done easily using the following C program. Just compile and run:
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   FILE * InputFile;
   off_t position;
       int charsToDelete;
   if ((InputFile = fopen(argv[1],"r+")) == NULL)
           printf("tdes: file not found: %sn",argv[1]);
               charsToDelete = 5;
       position = ftello(InputFile);
       printf("Pos: %dn",(int)position);
       int i;
       //for(i = 0;i < charsToDelete;i++)
       // putc(InputFile,'b');
   return 0;