Remove the repetitiveness of the password

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello everyone
I'm on ubuntu 10.04. I would like to eliminate recurring problems demand the password it becomes very annoying and not fun at all.
I'll take any advice that could make me remove this annoying permanent demand.
thank you in advance

Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #84781

Remove the repetitiveness of the password


The demand password for Ubuntu is caused by a missing driver for the wireless card. You'll need to get the latest version, download and install this update to remove the demand for password constantly.

You'll need to wired up your computer to the modem/router then connects via Ethernet cord. You will need to get update form your wireless card manufacturer and download the latest firmware. This is the cause of the issue why the password keeps on asking and demand for password. Once the update is done, this issue should be all set. 

Answered By 15 points N/A #84783

Remove the repetitiveness of the password


Before you disable passwords in Linux, you will need to know that may be a security risk that will give unauthorized users access to some applications on your computer. If you still need to go ahead with the process, then you will need to follow the steps below:

  • On your computer, you will need to pen the terminal window from Applications.
  • And then you will go to accessories.
  • Next you will click on the terminal
  • And the click the run the command, and in it execute the following command: sudo visudo.
  • You will then need to find the line that says: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
  • You will change that line to: %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Once you have done you will need to save and then exit the file.

-Clair Charles


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