Reportizer versus Database Tour Pro reporting

Is there a significant difference between Reportizer and Database Tour Pro Reporting? Which of the two gives the most advantage in terms of result and features?

Is there a significant difference between Reportizer and Database Tour Pro Reporting? Which of the two gives the most advantage in terms of result and features?
Here I discussed some important point about Reportizer and database tour pro reporting. May be this little discussion will find out the difference and significance between each others.
It's a database tools that is band oriented. it's features are here-
1. It's a visual report designer.
2. It works as a convenient SQL editor.
3. It has a powerful report generator.
4. Reportizer can also build file reports.
5. It has an ability to load and print reports from command line.
6. Reportizer can also exports report.
 Now I discussed something about Database tour pro reporting-
It's the database utility having the features like report builder and database tools.
It's most highlighting features are-
Accessing different types of databases.
1. It is work with creating tables.
2. It view and edit data.
3. Remains many significant ways to print data.
4. It has built-in report engine, that allows to produce the reports automatically or by using a visual report designer with templates, expressions, preview etc.
5. It is a expression builder and able to build executing SQL scripts and also able to edit SQL scripts.
6. It edit highlighting syntax.
7. It enhanced database grids, which allow to view and manipulate the data in the most convenient way, including sorting by clicking column header, changing row heights, resizing columns etc.
8. It create, delete, and modified BDE aliases.
9. Has also command line support.
Keep all of this in mind, probably the second one has a more significance. But choosing one of them is your preferences.