Required php JavaScript country state drop down.

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


I am making a JavaScript drop down for country and states. So that user can update their profile. I am facing a problem that after selecting the country & state if the user refreshes the page. Then the selected country remains the same while state get changes. I am searching for the right PHP JavaScript country state code for my website. If you have any idea or correct script, then share it with me.



Answered By 5 points N/A #183805

Required php JavaScript country state drop down.


There is a lot of JavaScript code that you can download or copy from the internet.

This kind of programming issue about incorporating a JavaScript drop down list of countries around the world, as well as the US states, has been solved by many programmers so finding the right code is now easy. Let me give you a good site where you can download a code for that.

Click this link and it will redirect you to Hsripts website. This will surely solve your issue.

Disclaimer:  I do not own these codes. I downloaded it from the same site and tried it on my computer.

It actually works perfectly so I encourage you to try them as well.

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