Resolve Error Code 0x80070070 Failure

Why am I getting an error code 0x80070070 when I try to troubleshoot a problem? Can anyone tell me the reason behind this failure? Please tell me how to fix this problem.

Why am I getting an error code 0x80070070 when I try to troubleshoot a problem? Can anyone tell me the reason behind this failure? Please tell me how to fix this problem.
It indicates to storage space unavailability or some virus infection. It can be due to registry settings.
Try the below methods:
You may receive this error when creating a backup of your system like when you are upgrading your operating system. You may also trigger this error when you are upgrading to or installing Microsoft Windows 10. Whatever it is you are doing, error code “0x80070070” points to the same cause which is lack of resource or space.
If you are creating a backup, make sure the target drive has enough space to store your backup data. First, try disabling your firewall or antivirus program temporarily then try it again and see if it works. Also, check the Windows Backup services if they are running. Click “Start,” “All Programs,” “Accessories,” and then “Command Prompt.” In the command prompt window, type without quotes “services.msc” then hit Enter.
Look for these two services: “Volume Shadow Copy” and “Windows Backup” and check their respective setting under “Startup Type” column if they are set to “Manual.” Double-click each service and click “Start” to start the service. If the service is already started, click “Stop” and then “Start” again. Click “OK” then try again. See if it works.
If you are installing Windows 10, on the other hand, make sure your partition where Windows 10 will be installed is big enough for the operating system. If you receive this error during setup, try increasing the size of the supposed system partition.