Resolve Java Virtual Machine Launcher Error Loading Jvm.dll Issue

Why I am getting an error Java virtual machine launcher error loading jvm.dll when I tried to run Java virtual machine? How to resolve this error?

Why I am getting an error Java virtual machine launcher error loading jvm.dll when I tried to run Java virtual machine? How to resolve this error?
This problem occurs when there is no specific path set for Java command which is a necessary part of Java installation.
Looks like you have not set its path yet.
To perform this task, follow the below steps:
1. Go to installation folder in the program files then go to bin folder and copy the path.
2. Right click on my Computer/ This PC icon and go to Advance System Setting then press Advance tab.
3. Click on Environment Variables and in the system variables look for a path.
4. Edit the path variable and paste the location of JVM.
It will resolve the error.
Errors related to the “jvm.dll” file are often caused by a missing or corrupt “jvm.dll” file. There are times the error is caused by a problem in the Windows registry or a virus or malware infection. Errors related to the “jvm.dll” file appear in many forms and the following are some of them:
These errors might appear while installing an application or using a program. It can also appear when Windows boots or shuts down. The only way to fix the problem is to restore the file and the best way to do it is to install the latest Java. Go to Java SE Runtime Environment 8 to download the latest Java Runtime Environment.
Note: avoid downloading the “jvm.dll” file from DLL download website.