Resolve windows rescue error 4

when I starts my system, I find the error : windows rescue error 4. please suggest me ow can resolve this problem. Thanks!

when I starts my system, I find the error : windows rescue error 4. please suggest me ow can resolve this problem. Thanks!
Hi Omarionalejandro,
This error caused by missing system files inside your computers operating system. You can repair this using System restore. This is how to do it:
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select "Restore my computer to an earlier time" option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the "On this list, click a restore point" list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window. 6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Or try this:
1) Download the (Data Rescue Error 4) repair tool.
2) Install the program and click on the Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when the scan is complete.
4) Restart your computer.