Resolving And Troubleshooting Error Code 408 And Its Solution

How to resolve and troubleshoot Error Code 408? In how many formats this error will be show on the different websites and how to solve this problem?

How to resolve and troubleshoot Error Code 408? In how many formats this error will be show on the different websites and how to solve this problem?
In general, this error means that when a client request for the Information then it take very much time to reach the website server end and there is a fixed time for a website that can wait, time varies for the website.
There are many formats in which this error is shown some of them are:
1. HTTP Error Code 408-Request Timeout
2. Error 408 – Request timeout
3. Connection Timeout request is taking too much time to reach the server end.
To solve this error refresh the web page by clicking on the reload button.