A DLL may refer to many terms such as Delay Locked Loop, Doubly Linked List, Data Link Layer, and Dynamic Link Library and so on. This DLL refers to Dynamic Link Library in some ways. But, how can I overcome the DLL error message on start-up?
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Resolving DLL Errors In The Computer
We can overcome this DLL error message on start-up in the following way:
• Perform clean boot on your system. If the problem goes away then we can say that we have successfully tracked down the culprit who has been causing this problem.
• When it is found make the desired modifications such as deletion, insertion, removal, deactivations or uninstalling the culprit.
• After this is done reset the Vista to normal mode without fail.
• We can just restore the normal mode of our system if the problem has occurred in clean mode and we can later reboot our system.
• We also need to make sure that the malware present in our system is removed since in many cases that might be the reason for this to happen.
Resolving DLL Errors In The Computer
A DLL file is always linked to a program or software. If you always receive a DLL error on startup or when Microsoft Windows is booting, the problem is coming from one of your startup applications. When you see the DLL error on startup, check the message to see what application is causing it. In a DLL error, the message always displays the path of the file in error.
Check the path of the file to learn what application is causing the error. Once you know the program, just reinstall it. Download the free version of Revo Uninstaller and install it. Once installed, start Revo Uninstaller then select the application in error among the programs and click “Uninstall.” Follow the normal uninstall process. When you are prompted to restart the computer, select to restart later.
When uninstall is complete, click “Scan” to scan your computer for any leftover files and delete everything it finds. When it is finished, close Revo Uninstaller and restart the computer. After booting, install the program back then restart the computer again. See if the error appears again on startup.