Restarting computer without warning every now and then.

Last few days I am facing a problem with my computer. It restarts now and then without any warning.
What can be the solution of this problem?

Last few days I am facing a problem with my computer. It restarts now and then without any warning.
What can be the solution of this problem?
Yes this is it a trivial virus mechanism that work more often on Windows systems. The virus triggers the system to shut down using a command line. You can do is to open the computer in Safe Mode, then after opening, you run the boot time antivirus scan.
Then the latest virus definitions should be installed. The viruses will be caught and the system be relieved. Another cause is a very poor problem with RAM. Is you r Ram or Hard disk too old. Then some sectors If in problem gets the machine to shutdown.
You can try the Ram in another machine of same standard. This is expected to be a 90% viral problem.
I haven’t encountered a problem yet where a fully infected computer keeps restarting the computer randomly. But the most common problem I’ve encountered where the computer exhibits random restarting is caused by faulty expansion cards like for example network card, video card, sound card, and others. The most common I’ve encountered were caused by either a faulty or malfunctioning video card or a network adapter.
They actually have the same symptom. The computer keeps restarting from time to time. The interval between each restart varies because it happens in random. Sometimes the computer runs for 2 hours without showing any sign of problem and then all of a sudden it will just restart as if you pressed the Reset button on the CPU.
It can easily be fixed especially if the affected device is not built-in to the motherboard because you can easily replace it with a new one. But in case the device is integrated within the motherboard like a built-in video card or network adapter which is very common, there is no solution but to replace the entire motherboard.
Replacing the entire motherboard is required because the problem can’t be fixed by simply installing a replacement card. Like for example if you have a faulty built-in video card and your computer keeps on restarting already, purchasing a new video card and installing it on the CPU won’t fix the problem because the built-in video card is still running even though you are not using it.
I’m not sure if latest editions of motherboards are still like this but this is surely common to older motherboards. One way of checking which device is causing the problem is to remove and reinstall each card one at a time.